Settings that bring us together
Haven is a collection of tables and tools designed to intentionally bring people together. Creating a social haven at work – a place for people to connect, exchange ideas, and thrive – fulfills a basic human need to be seen and heard.

From This Collection
Time to recharge, space to connect
In-person connection has become more valuable than ever. Haven delivers a suite of tables and tools intended to spark chance encounters and enrich interactions. Take a coffee break with your workmates at the Haven Recharge Bench or solve a puzzle at the Haven HighLow Table over lunch – those brain breaks help us do our best work.

Magnets for meaningful encounters
Central to Haven is the incorporation of “inviting touchpoints” throughout the collection. These elements, like the Neighborhood Light or bag hooks, work together to attract groups, encourage unexpected encounters, and create an open, welcoming atmosphere.

Begin planning with Haven
Browse our configuration library to get inspired for your next project.

Meet the Designer
Mike & Maaike is a progressive industrial design studio led by Mike Simonian and Maaike Evers. Maaike is Dutch, and Mike is from California. Their international backgrounds and thoughtful approach to design have culminated in a diverse body of work marked by experimentation, substance, and strong conceptual narratives.